Recherche participative et autisme

liste de publications scientifiques sur la recherche participative et l'autisme.

Liste de publications scientifiques

Référence 1

den Houting, J. (2021). Participatory and Inclusive Autism Research Practice Guides. Brisbane. Autism CRC


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Référence 2

Fletcher-Watson, S., Brook, K., Hallett, S., Murray, F., & Crompton, C. J. (2021). Inclusive Practices for Neurodevelopmental Research. Current Developmental Disorders Reports.


Type d'étude

Revue de la littérature

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Référence 3

Gowen, E., Taylor, R., Bleazard, T., Greenstein, A., Baimbridge, P., & Poole, D. (2020). Guidelines for conducting research studies with the autism community. Autism Policy Practice, 2(1), 29‑45.


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Référence 4

Hobson, H., Linden, A., Crane, L., & Kalandadze, T. (2023). Towards reproducible and respectful autism research: Combining open and participatory autism research practices. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 106, 102196.


Type d'étude

Article théorique

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Référence 5

Jones, S. C. (2023). Advice for autistic people considering a career in academia. Autism, 13623613231161882.


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Référence 6

Zaagsma, M., Koning, M., van Andel, C., Volkers, K., Schippers, A., & van Hove, G. (2022). A Closer Look at the Quest for an Inclusive Research Project:‘I Had No Experience with Scientific Research, and then the Ball of Cooperation Started Rolling’. Social Sciences, 11(5), 186.


Type d'étude

Article théorique

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Référence 7

Filgueira, L. M. de A., Brilhante, A. V. M., Sá, A. R. de, & Colares, M. S. F. (2023). Development of a participatory research strategy involving autistic people with different levels of support needs. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 28, 1501‑1512.


Type d'étude

Article expérimental

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Référence 8

Lawson, W. B., & Carrington, S. (2021). Inclusive research practice : Engaging autistic individuals and their families in research. In Research Approaches to Supporting Students on the Autism Spectrum in Inclusive Schools (p. 17‑31). Routledge.


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Référence 9

Milton, D. E. (2012). On the ontological status of autism : The ‘double empathy problem’. Disability & society, 27(6), 883‑887.


Type d'étude

Article théorique

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Référence 10

Nicolaidis, C., Raymaker, D., Kapp, S. K., Baggs, A., Ashkenazy, E., McDonald, K., … & Joyce, A. (2019). The AASPIRE practice-based guidelines for the inclusion of autistic adults in research as co-researchers and study participants. Autism, 23(8), 2007-2019.


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Référence 11

Pellicano, E., Dinsmore, A., & Charman, T. (2014). Views on Researcher-Community Engagement in Autism Research in the United Kingdom : A Mixed-Methods Study. PLOS ONE, 9(10), e109946.


Type d'étude

Article expérimental

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Référence 12

Pellicano, E., Lawson, W., Hall, G., Mahony, J., Lilley, R., Heyworth, M., … & Yudell, M. (2022). “I Knew She’d Get It, and Get Me”: Participants’ Perspectives of a Participatory Autism Research Project. Autism in Adulthood, 4(2), 120-129.


Type d'étude

Article expérimental

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Référence 13

Bennett, M., & Goodall, E. (2022). Participatory Research Practices With Autistics. In Addressing Underserved Populations in Autism Spectrum Research (pp. 117-176). Emerald Publishing Limited.


Type d'étude

Article théorique

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Référence 14

Costley, D. M., Emerson, A., Ropar, D., Sheppard, E., McCubbing, A., Campbell Bass, S., Dent, S., Ellis, R., Limer, S., Phillips, S., & Ward Penny, J. (2022). Trying to solve the ‘worst situation’ together : Participatory autism research. Educational Action Research, 31(4), 691-708.


Type d'étude

Article méthodologique

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Référence 15

den Houting, J., Higgins, J., Isaacs, K., Mahony, J., & Pellicano, E. (2021). ‘I’m not just a guinea pig’ : Academic and community perceptions of participatory autism research. Autism, 25(1), 148‑163.


Type d'étude

Article expérimental

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Référence 16

Poulsen, R., Dwyer, P., Gassner, D., Heyworth, M., & Williams, Z. J. (s. d.). The INSAR Community Collaborator Request : Using community–academic partnerships to enhance outcomes of participatory autism research. Autism Research.


Type d'étude

Article méthodologique

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Référence 17

Nicolaidis, C., Raymaker, D., McDonald, K., Dern, S., Ashkenazy, E., Boisclair, C., … & Baggs, A. (2011). Collaboration strategies in nontraditional community-based participatory research partnerships: Lessons from an academic–community partnership with autistic self-advocates. Progress in Community Health Partnerships, 5(2), 143.


Type d'étude

Article méthodologique

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Référence 18

Grant, A., & Kara, H. (2021). Considering the Autistic advantage in qualitative research : The strengths of Autistic researchers. Contemporary Social Science, 16(5), 589‑603.


Type d'étude

Article théorique

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Référence 19

Keating, C. T. (2021). Participatory Autism Research : How Consultation Benefits Everyone. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.


Type d'étude

Article théorique

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Référence 20

Manalili, M. A. R., Pearson, A., Sulik, J., Creechan, L., Elsherif, M., Murkumbi, I., Azevedo, F., Bonnen, K. L., Kim, J. S., Kording, K., Lee, J. J., Obscura, M., Kapp, S. K., Röer, J. P., & Morstead, T. (2023). From Puzzle to Progress : How Engaging With Neurodiversity Can Improve Cognitive Science. Cognitive Science, 47(2), e13255.


Type d'étude

Article théorique

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Référence 21

McDonald, F., Robinson, K., Gallagher, A. L., & Pettigrew, J. (2021). Exploring the co-involvement of disabled adolescents in participatory action research; protocol for a critical interpretative synthesis. HRB Open Research, 4.


Type d'étude

Article méthodologique

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