Autisme et fatigue - burnout inclus

autisme et fatigue, burnout, burnout autistique

Liste de publications scientifiques sur la fatigue et l'autisme

Référence 1

Mantzalas, J., Richdale, A. L., Adikari, A., Lowe, J., et Dissanayake, C. (2021). What is autistic burnout? A thematic analysis of posts on two online platforms. Autism in Adulthood, 4(1), 52-65.


Type d'étude

Enquête en ligne

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Référence 2

Raymaker, D. M., Teo, A. R., Steckler, N. A., Lentz, B., Scharer, M., Delos Santos, A., … & Nicolaidis, C. (2020). “Having all of your internal resources exhausted beyond measure and being left with no clean-up crew”: Defining autistic burnout. Autism in adulthood, 2(2), 132-143.


Type d'étude

Enquête en ligne

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Référence 3

Higgins, J. M., Arnold, S. R., Weise, J., Pellicano, E., & Trollor, J. N. (2021). Defining autistic burnout through experts by lived experience: Grounded Delphi method investigating# AutisticBurnout. Autism, 25(8), 2356-2369.


Type d'étude

Enquête en ligne

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Référence 4


Type d'étude

Article expérimental


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Référence 5

Mantzalas, J., Richdale, A. L., & Dissanayake, C. (2022). A conceptual model of risk and protective factors for autistic burnout. Autism Research, 15(6), 976-987.


Type d'étude

Enquête en ligne

Résumé en français

Référence 6

Phung, J., Penner, M., Pirlot, C., & Welch, C. (2021). What I Wish You Knew : Insights on Burnout, Inertia, Meltdown, and Shutdown From Autistic Youth. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 741421.


Type d'étude

Article expérimental

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Référence 7

Tomczak, M. T., & Kulikowski, K. (2023). Toward an understanding of occupational burnout among employees with autism–the Job Demands-Resources theory perspective. Current Psychology, 1-13.


Type d'étude

Article théorique

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Référence 8

Baker, E. K., & Richdale, A. L. (2015). Sleep patterns in adults with a diagnosis of high-functioning autism spectrum disorder. Sleep, 38(11), 1765-1774.


Type d'étude

Article expérimental

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Référence 9

Keville, S., Meek, C., & Ludlow, A. K. (2021). Mothers’ perspectives of co-occurring fatigue in children with autism spectrum disorders. Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior, 9(4), 209-226.


Type d'étude

Article expérimental

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Référence 10

Richards, J.K., et al. (s.d.). The Reliability and Validity of a Novel Autistic Burnout Measure Among Neurodiverse College Students.


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Référence 11

Autism, C. R. C. (2021). The role of fatigue and social wellbeing in depressive symptomatology young autistic adults.


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